
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Another transfer down (email dated 6/9/2009)

Hey every one back in the good old Beehive State. I hope everything is starting to warm up over there for you all.

This week we had a new Investigator come with us to church which is always a good thing to have. His name is Carlos and he´s partialy blind but he does his best to read and he´s a good guy. He lives in some humble circumstances but he´s very willing to learn about the restoration which is the key! He enjoyed church he said, but as for fast and testimony meeting he thought it was a little boring and was little drowsy...(Some times Puerto Ricans can have some interesting fast and testimony meetings)Anyway he loved all the other classes though which was good and he said he´d love to come back. Hopefuly we keep up this progress with him and lead him right into the font. In other news Andres relapsed again this week with his alcohol which is pretty disapointing but we´re still working with him to see if we can keep helping him out. Its tough to see him with such a bad problem with the alcohol, and makes me realize how great of a blessing it is to have the word of wisdom to protect our family´s from worldly traps like those that people get cought in with drugs and alcohol.

Other news is Transfers are tomorrow morning and i´m staying here in Toa Baja but my companion is going...Their sending Elder Bown down to Corocao down south my Venzuela which is part of our mission. I enjoyed having Elder Bown as my companion here though because we had a lot of things in common and had a good time picking up this white wash we had here. so that means next week i´ll let you know who my new companion will be...

Until then,
Elder Lopez

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