
Monday, October 19, 2009

Good start to another transfer (email dated 10/19/2009)

Hello back home, Well this week i was in a 3some until my companion got down here on friday morning! But it was a great week to be honest. The day Elder Kolar got in we went out and found 4 new investigators right off the bat... and 3 of them were part of a family that was a reference from a member family. That all ways gives them a better chance of excepting the gospel and becoming converted! That made us pretty excited and then the other new investigator we found is named a Marina and she was very cool to say the least! It was lesson in Papiamentu which ment i was doing all of the talking because it was my companions first day down here with the language. I felt like i did alright but obviously with a lot of room to improve... Any how the language didnt even play a big factor because Marina could put it all together in her head and loved it. When we got to the part of the BOM she read the last 2 paragraphs in the introduction, which invites all to read and pray, then looked up at us with out us saying anything. Then she told us right away, "i'm going to read this book, and i'm going to pray, and when i do i'm going to call you..." Let me tell you we were more then happy to hear those words come from her mouth because i know what that book is capiable of doing to people in their life. So we set up a cita with her this tuesday and are going to pass by to see how her reading goes! I was really blown away at the way she just commited her own self to read and pray with out us even having to say anything. It was a wonderful lesson, and now we'll wait to see if she's for real when we come back this week.

Now as for the Ocean baptism this weekend... well... we had a change in plans.. No worries about the baptism part its just the Ocean part was shut down by our mission President. I called him up because to do a baptism in the ocean you have to have permission, and i guess the area presidency made the decission that if the church has a baptismal font you have to do it in the font. Then he went off on the reasons why which are pretty lagit... they were its not a controled inviornment, which means other people who are dressed inmodestly could be by, also that some people focus more on the scenery then on the baptismal covenent, and last but not least it could be dangerous... yeah i know sad right, but its just the way it is!

Well all in all it was a great week still because Louisa is set up on her baptism still and we'll be having that this week! also we have some great potential investigators for this transfer lined up. so we just hope all goes accroding to plan.

anyhow until next time much love!
Elder Lopez

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