
Monday, March 1, 2010

Another week in the life (email dated 03/01/2010)

So this week we could call a good week with Freddy making it to church again! Also some pretty good news is his response to getting married. We were over there this past monday visiting him and going over the Law of Chastity which prohibtes his life style at this moment in time. So we went in with a prayer that he'd be willing to change and get married or move out... and to our happy suprise he choose the first and decided to ask Jenny to marry him. But to ask her to marry him he decided not to wait until we left but did it right there and then... I was a little thrown off to be honest because i told him he could wait and do it on his own time but he decided that his own time was right then and there. So he went into the next room where Jenny was, (because she doesnt want to listen the the lessons as of yet) and asked her the question and when he came out he told us the answer was YES!!! So now during these next couple of weeks we'll be working on getting this couple married so that Freddy can hit the water.

So with Veronica, the wife of Armando, we had a little set back, but its nothing to really worry about to much. This week we missed on of our visits with her because i guess she fell and hurt her arm and had to go to the doctore to get it checked up on which prohibeted us from being able to pass by. Also on sunday they weren't able to come to church because Armando hurt his leg and couldn't walk... So basicaly they were all on the Disabled list this week and are preping for this upcoming week! Let hope and pray they dont go out and actualy brake something this week..

Also we came across a new investigator with some good potential named Luis Rodriguez. He seems to have a lot of knowledge with the bible and likes to listen to us and understands pretty well also. We took a member over there last time we visited him on saturday and it went very well but he didnt make it to church. We're not sure why yet but hopefuly it was for a good reason. He's still on the stage of reading the BOM and praying but if he does so i think he's a good canidate for baptism. So we'll keep our prayers up there.

As for Elder Moran and I, we're getting a long great! I'm helping him learn english with this new program that the mission came out with to help the Latinos learn english. Its pretty funny and i just go back to the good old MTC days when i was learing the basics of Spanish. Good times they were! Elder Moran also speaks another language which is called Poqomchi which they only speak where he's from. It really sounds like he's speaking chineese when he speaks it so thats what i tell him. He even looks sort of Chineese... Anyhow when ever he speaks his language i just respond to him in Papiamentu so he cant understand either... its a pretty fun conversation when you hear the two of us just going off in these weird dialects that make sense to us some how.

So yeah that about wraps up this weeks experiences. until next time keep on keepin on!

Elder Lopez

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