So here in San Nicolas we finally saw some of our hard work and sweat pay off.. Gladissa hit the baptismal waters in the Caribbean Sea on Baby Beach Sunday morning. I was fortunate enough to be able to go in also and finally get to feel the "Dushi Caribe" for the first time on my mission here in the Caribbean. Yup i got to preform the baptismal ordinance for her and dunk her in the water . It sure was a great experience to be able to have especially here at the end of my mission. One of the great parts about the baptism was that all of our other good investigators were there in attendance also to feel of the spirit there. Tom and his Wife Sixta really liked it i think, and Candy was telling me that she wished she could have baptized that same day also. They both are scheduled to be baptized this next week if all goes well and they both keep on keepin their commitments. Also AnaMilena was there which was good for her because she really needed to see that to give her an extra push to get going, and put her faith in the Lord to comit to pay a full tithing so she can receive this saving ordinance.
In other news Sunday after church the streets were absolutly empty because of the World Cup Final going on in South Africa with Holland playing for the title. We tried to talk to a couple of people during the game but it just didnt' go over so well. Then when Spain beat them in the last minutes all of Aruba just seemed really sad... Yeah this World Cup stuff is really serious around the World. Some of the players that were on the Holland team were from Curacao were i served. They were the black players that they had.
So the days just keep on flying by and really i'm just enjoying every minute of it while the time lasts. Were working on finding some new investigators now and have come across a couple with some potential. Hopefuly we'll be seeing them in church this next week so that they can get on track for baptism. Candy gave us a really cool reference that she actually shared the gospel with her self. I guess she saw this lady standing on the street waiting for a bus and felt like she should help her out and stopped and gave her a lift. Then they both started to talk and then Candy told her about her experience she had with us and how she's happier now and smiling again. Then she told this lady that we could pass by to see her which we did on staturday and the lady, who's name is Naomi was very nice and listend well. She wasnt' able to come to church this week but said this next week she should be able to. So hopefully that all works out.
Anyways as you can see things are doing well right now and were just enjoying the work. So now i'm going to close up until next time, but before i want to say thanks for all your thoughts and prayers for me and all the missionaries around the World. You Give us strength every day!
Much Love,
Elder Lopez
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